This is the formula for calculating the USA check digit, the ninth position in the Ferrari Vehicle Identification Number.

The check digit of the VIN appears in the 9th position and provides a way to verify the validity of all of the other characters in positions 1-8 and 10-17. The check digit is calculated by carrying out the following mathematical computation.

(1) Assign to each number in the VIN its actual mathematical value and assign to each letter the value specified in following Table: 
A = 1 G = 7 N = 5 V = 5
B = 2 H = 8 P = 7 W = 6
C = 3 J = 1 R = 9 X = 7
D = 4 K = 2 S = 2 Y = 8
E = 5 L = 3 T = 3 Z = 9
F = 6 M = 4 U = 4  

(2) Multiply the assigned value for each VIN character in the VIN by the Position weight factor specified in the following Table:
VIN position Weight factor VIN position Weight factor
1st 8 10th 9
2nd 7 11th 8
3rd 6 12th 7
4th 5 13th 6
5th 4 14th 5
6th 3 15th 4
7th 2 16th 3
8th 10 17th 2
9th to be calculated

(3) Add the resulting products and divide this total by 11.

(4) The numerical remainder is the check digit. If the remainder is 10 the letter 'X' shall be used to designate the check digit. The correct numeric remainder, zero through nine (0-9) or the letter 'X' shall appear in the VIN position nine.

See also the MSExcel file "VINCheckDigit.xls" for an easy calculation of the check digit.